Using a wise android

For business Internet access, performance-based Android phones may be thumbs up. Pay attention to tips for more optimal use of Andriod phone.

Andriod and the Internet can not be separated. The ability of mobile phones with this operating system plus support for Google makes it qualified as a weapon surf virtual world. But, not unlike other mobile devices, for more optimal use, you must be wise in its use. Not only about the batteries are quickly depleted if you are engrossed in surfing but also about the toll that would make you cry if you sedariawal not aware of. Here are some tips on wise use Android phone:

Choosing Packages for kids Birthdays (Memilih Paket Ulang tahun untuk anak)

Choosing Packages for kids Birthdays (Memilih Paket Ulang tahun untuk anak)

Celebrating a birthday party for kids is fun. As a parent there is no harm in holding a birthday party for her children, at least, can make your child have memories and can play and hang out and get a gift that many mengahdirkan eg clown party clown services provided by the lease. And do not necessarily have to be fancy at all but adjust to the budget you have. If you have more funds is not one you also create a massive party. But do not waste in vain, so programs and data, how many will want to be invited and try to create a suitable theme and age of your child. Try these tips you listen to, namely:

Seo contest

Seo contest
Wow have not been following the development of seo contest turned out a lot also in this one year but not what this information is already too late (but there is a saying better late than not at all happy to fight for fellow bloggers who joined the race progressive persist )

# kontes SEO Meriahkan Pesta Ulang Tahun Bersama GarudaFood

- keyword : Meriahkan Pesta Ulang Tahun Bersama GarudaFood
- dengan Anchor Text  paket ulang tahun.
- waktu : 1 april 2011 - 1 agustus 2011
- hadiah I = Rp 3.000.000

- penyelenggara SEO

# kontes SEO Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

- keyword = Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia
- waktu : 24 april 2011 - 20 juli 2011
- Hadiah I : Rp 10.000.000

- penyelenggara SEO

Know Your Cancer

Know Your Cancer

Cancer or malignant neoplasm is a disease characterized by typical cell cycle abnormalities that cause the cells' ability to:

* Grow out of control (cell division beyond the normal limits)
* Attacked the nearby biological tissue.
* Migrate to other body tissues through blood circulation or lymphatic system, called metastasis.

Three characters that distinguish this malignant cancer from benign tumors. Most cancers form tumors, but some do not, such as leukemia. Branch of medical science relating to the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer is called Oncology.

In general, cancer cells form a tumor, except in leukemia. The reaction between acid tetraiodotiroasetat integrin is inhibiting hormone activity of thyroxine and tri-iodotironina which is one of the factors that play a role in angiogenesis and tumor cell proliferation. [1] uncontrolled growth caused damage to DNA, causing mutations in vital genes that control cell division . Some mutations may be required to change normal cells into cancer cells. These mutations are often caused by chemical or physical agents called carcinogens. Mutations can occur spontaneously (obtained) or inherited (germline mutation). Cancer can cause many different symptoms, depending on the location and character of malignancy, and presence or absence of metastasis. The diagnosis usually requires microscopic examination of tissue obtained by biopsy. Once diagnosed, cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.

Most cancers cause death. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in developing countries. Most cancers can be treated and many cured, especially if treatment is started early. Many forms of cancer associated with environmental factors that could have been avoided. Smoking can cause cancer than many other environmental factors. Tumor (Latin: swelling) appoint an abnormal mass of tissue, but can be a "malignant" (cancerous) or "benign" (not cancerous). Only malignant tumors are capable of attacking other networks or metastasize. Cancer can spread through the lymph nodes and blood vessels to other organs.

Risk sit for hours

Risk sit for hours

Sitting seem trivial but do you know sitting for hours at risk to make you die faster? According to the Medical Billing and Coding consequences of sitting for hours is as below.

1. Sitting 6 hours over a possibility of you dying increased by 40% within 15 years compared to only sit 3 hours, even if you exercise.
2. Obese people sit down to 2.5 hours longer than thin people in a day.
3. People who often sit at risk for cardiovascular illness 2X
4. Soon after you sit down electrical activity in leg muscle will die
5. Immediately after the burning of calories you sit down to 1 per minute
6. Fat dissolving enzyme that helps down 90%
7. Sitting and watching TV 3 hours 64% more at risk of heart illness

How to care for your leather sofa for not quickly broken

Leather Sofa Type

Skin types commonly used are as follows
* Hairy
      The outermost skin and the fur is characteristic of this skin type.
* Slippery
      Skin feels smooth and is the type most widely used in the manufacture of sofas.

* Suede
      Resembling a towel, a second layer of skin to fifth.

* Nubuk
      Like velvet. Requires a complicated and long process. Because the price is expensive, this skin type rarely used to coat the couch.

Differences Between Imitation Leather by Leather

If you intend to replace the upholstery sofa, so that you do not be fooled if the leather sofa leather chosen is genuine or just imitation, the following differences can you accurately:

* Because the original skin is one unit, then the front and rear of the same skin. While the faux leather is usually in the middle plus a thin sponge and then the back of the given layer, then the front and rear are not the same.
* Thorough skin layer. If it turns out there are 3 layers, means that the imitation leather. Because as mentioned in point 1, there is an additional layer of synthetic leather.

* Rabbah skin is used, if it feels sticky mean imitation leather.

* If imitation leather would be no smell of vinyl.

* Try to pull the skin. If when pulled up and down when pulled tenuous same left-right, meaning imitation leather. This is due to genuine leather comes from animal skins, then the left-right rift greater than top-down.

* Genuine leather hard burned, but imitation leather will shrink when baked.

Sofa Care

Like the other furniture in need of treatment, then to the sofa you can perform maintenance by doing the following things:

* Each 1-week, clean the sofa with a dry cloth

* Do not place the sofa in a place exposed to direct sunlight. Sunlight can make the leather sofa becomes dry and cracked.

* Apply a skin moisturizer on your couch. Moisturizers can be purchased on the market.

* Immediately wipe the sofa with a rag or sponge when exposed to water spillage.

Taking care of Rotan Furniture

For furniture or rattan furniture is more durable, there are things that need your attention in care. Things you can do include:

     * Clean once a week. Simply use a dry cloth to remove dust, dust. Do not use chemicals because it can damage the cane.
     * To clean the dust and dirt that is on the sidelines, wash with detergent. The liquid detergent should not be too thick. After that, wipe with a dry cloth and dry with aerated. This can be done every 1 months.
     * To stay looking beautiful, you can paint it when the colors fade in sight rattan.
     * Place of rattan furniture in a place that is not exposed to rain and direct sunlight. This can make your furniture become dull, dry and thus easily damaged.
     * To avoid termites, you can use a solution of camphor and kerosene. Spray the solution on the rattan, or enter in the holes made by termites in your wicker furniture.

Trik Aman Berbicara Dengan Teman yang Berbeda Pendapat

Trik Aman Berbicara Dengan Teman yang Berbeda Pendapat

SETIAP orang memiliki pandangannya tersendiri mengenai sesuatu. Kadang Anda bisa menilai sesuatu hal baik, tapi tidak menutup kemungkinan teman Anda menganggap hal itu buruk. Keduanya sudah memiliki hukum dua mata uang. Baik dan buruk, cinta dan benci, suka tidak suka.

Tapi bagaimana cara Anda menyikapi hal itulah yang akan menentukan pribadi Anda sendiri. Teman bagaimanapun adalah orang terdekat yang selalu ada di sekitar Anda.

Jadi, daripada Anda berselisih paham mengenai perbedaan pendapat dengan dia, cobalah untuk bisa tetap sejalan dengan orang tersebut.

Bagaimana cara tetap aman dengan orang yang berbeda pendapat dengan Anda, berikut beberapa triknya: